Dixie Lee Baptist Church has one purpose: bring glory to God. Our story is still being written, as He continues to change lives by His Spirit through our ministries and people.
When you arrive for a worship service, you’ll find friendly people who aim to make your first visit an encouraging one. Our parking ambassadors will direct you, then our greeters will guide you and answer any questions you have.
What to wear? The Lord focuses on the heart more than on the outward appearance, and so do we. You’ll find a wide variety in dress among our congregations — from casual jeans and shorts, to more formal. We simply aim to dress so as not to draw attention to ourselves, but keep the focus on Jesus Christ alone.
Get Involved — Discover your next steps.
Ministries — Take part in the life of our church. We offer lots of ministries to get involved with.
What We Believe — Learn about our doctrine, government and values.
Our History — Read the story God is continuing to write.
FAQ — Find out answers to some common questions we hear.