We would love to partner with you in prayer.
Click & Pray is Dixie Lee’s online tool for people to submit prayer requests. Prayer requests, submitted by church members, regular attenders, and visitors, are combined into a weekly email and sent to those who have opted to receive these emails and committed to praying for each request. We know that the impact of prayer will be eternal and we are grateful for your partnership in prayer.
If you would like to commit to praying for weekly prayer requests, sign up to be added to the Click & Pray email distribution list below.
When you receive these prayer requests, please pray for the requests in the emails that you open. Don’t let it become a burden or feel like you need to wait for some extended time with the Lord before you can intercede for these friends. We know the Lord hears us when we pray (Psalm 34:17), though it can be tempting to wait until a “perfect” opportunity.